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Orion Markup 3 03 – Add Image Notes And Annotations

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  1. Orion Markup 3 03 – Add Image Notes And Annotations Anchor Chart
  2. Orion Markup 3 03 – Add Image Notes And Annotations Free

Welcome to the Annotation and Image Markup Project! Annotation and image markup is an Open Source project that provides the functionalities to propose and create a standard means of adding information and knowledge to an image in a clinical environment, so that image content can be easily and automatically searched. Orion Markup makes it easy to add notes, outlines boxes, zoom-in bubbles, lines and arrows to images and screenshots. Photo magnification bubbles Creates magnified versions of selected image areas.

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TAP Output
Query : GW Orionis C.D.S. - SIMBAD4 rel 1.7 - 2020.10.18CEST12:38:39

Available data : Basic data • Identifiers • Plot & images • Bibliography • Measurements • External archives • Notes • Annotations

Basic data :
V* GW Ori -- Variable Star of Orion Type
* (HD,AG,..), ** (Ref,**,..), IR (AKARI,IRAS,..), Em* (DIL,HBC), V* (V*,AAVSO), X (2E,1RXS), SB* (SBC9), EmO (MHA), TT* (Ref), Or* (Ref)
05 26 20.7789226451 +11 49 52.029606325 [0.0579 0.0496 90]
z(~) 0.000094 [0.000001] / cz 28.06 [0.20]
A 2004A&A..424.727P
2.4850 [0.0648] A 2018yCat.1345..0G
G5/8Ve C 1977ApJ..214.747H
B 10.83 [0.06] D 2000A&A..355L.27H
V 10.10 [~] C 2002yCat.2237..0D
R 9.52 [~] E 2003yCat.1289..0Z
G 9.4257 [0.0021] C 2018yCat.1345..0G
J 7.698 [0.030] C 2003yCat.2246..0C
H 7.103 [0.029] C 2003yCat.2246..0C
K 6.590 [0.029] C 2003yCat.2246..0C
Interactive AladinLite view
not available (enable JS to use it)

An access of full data is available using the icon Vizier near the identifier of the catalogue

HD 244138 GCRV 56206 MHA 265-2 USNO-A2.0 0975-01641178
** BGR 1 GSC 00708-01901 PDS 13 V* GW Ori
AG+11 523 HBC 85 PPM 121006 WDS J05291+1152AB,C
AKARI-IRC-V1 J0529083+115212 HIC 25689 1RXS J052908.4+115207 [LH98] 197
BD+11 819 HIP 25689 SBC9 1864 AAVSO 0523+11A
DIL 11 IRAS 05263+1149 SV* SVS 1091 Gaia DR1 3340856528990126336
2E 1281 JP11 3696 TYC 708-1901-1 Gaia DR2 3340856533286969600
2E 0526.3+1149 2MASS J05290838+1152126 UCAC2 35880248
Plots and Images
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Aladin applet

Orion Markup 3 03 – Add Image Notes And Annotations Anchor Chart

References (299 between 1850 and 2020) (Total 299)
Simbad bibliographic survey began in 1850 for stars (at least bright stars) and in 1983 for all other objects (outside the solar system).
Follow new references on this object

Collections of Measurements

Observing logs

External archives :

Archive data at HEASARC - High-Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center


Data at NED - NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database : GW Orionis

Link by name to the catalogue in VizieR :
HD 244138AG+11 523AKARI-IRC-V1 J0529083+115212BD+11 8192E 1281
GSC 00708-01901HIC 25689HIP 25689IRAS 05263+11492MASS J05290838+1152126
PPM 1210061RXS J052908.4+115207TYC 708-1901-1UCAC2 35880248USNO-A2.0 0975-01641178
V* GW OriWDS J05291+1152AB,CGaia DR1 3340856528990126336Gaia DR2 3340856533286969600

Search by coordinates in Vizier (radius: 5 arcsec)

Annotations :
Annotations allow a user to add a note or report an error concerning the astronomical object and its data. It requires registration to post a note. See description .
Please, have a look at Best practices. The list of all annotations to SIMBAD objects can be found here .

Currently no annotations available

Orion Markup 3 03 – Add Image Notes And Annotations Free

Store this result in Votable, in Ascii, or in the CDS portal

To bookmark this query, right click on this link: simbad:GW Orionis and select 'bookmark this link' or equivalent in the popup menu

This feature is only available in the desktop editor.

Click anywhere on your image > select annotation options

In the screenshot below, you can see the mouse is clicking on the image.

After you click on the image, a selection of annotations appear at the top of the desktop editor. Select the annotation you would like to use.

Click and drag your mouse on the image

To draw an annotation, click and drag your mouse on the image. Whatsapp windows 7. As you hold down the mouse, and move the mouse across the image, you will draw an annotation.

The sequence annotation and the text annotation do not require you to drag your mouse to draw them – those annotations will automatically appear when you click on the image (and after you select the annotation).

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